Smug. Adjective : having an excessive pride in oneself, feeling highly self-satisfied.

Usage: Look at Nigel. He's been so smug ever since he got his thimbl card!

At one time or another, many of us have found ourselves without access to the credit that we would like.

Perhaps we were young teenagers, fresh out of school with no credit history to our names.

Perhaps we made some mistakes with our money along the way and ended up with a less than ideal credit score.

Whatever the reason, if you don't have the best credit rating you may well find yourself excluded from the best credit deals on the market, or possibly unable to get credit at all - forced to watch from the sidelines.

Well, at thimbl we are all about credit inclusivity. Whilst all credit scores are welcomed at thimbl our card is ideal for those with a slightly less than perfect credit rating. And by using a thimbl card responsibly, ensuring you are meeting your repayments on time, you can help to demonstrate that you are a responsible borrower and steadily improve your credit rating over time.

Come out of the credit wilderness and start building your way towards better credit today with a thimbl card.

And that feeling you get when you have access to the credit that may previously have seemed unattainable? That's smug.

Get smug. Get thimbl